Tekno RC Team Report Week 36-37, 2017
Tekno RC team drivers keep on winning races in USA, France, Netherlands, and Malaysia! Congratulations to Mason Eppley, Wil Alameida, Dave Hemenway, Jeremy McGuigan, Joe Tramontana, Julian Andre, Rajco van der Sluijs and Danny K for winning the races they attended. A report from each race follows:
TFORT Race (BE), report by Julian Andre:

“The 8th round of the TFORT series was held on Sunday, September 9th at the Modelifun track in Meux. As always it was a great day with excellent organization and a very good atmosphere. Thanks to Pascal and Carine for organizing this race.
On the racing side of things, I was able to win all three qualifying rounds and three out of four final legs and also posting the fastest lap time of the race. My EB48.4 performed flawlessly throughout the race and was setup perfectly using the Medial Pro tires. I would like to thank Tekno RC, Sebastien Wartelle and Raphael Robert for their help!”
Overall results:
TQ/1st: Julian Andre – Tekno EB48.4
2nd: Geoffrey Lambert
3rd: Franck Devigne
Labor Day Shootout Race (US), report by Mason Eppley:
“Since the 1/8 Electric Nationals, this would be my first time back running 1/8. Friday practice would go good learning the track, I didn’t have to make any setup changes from my base setup for Silver Dollar. On Saturday we would run two qualifiers and mains. Unfortunately, due to a large amount of smoke in the area and hot temps, the turnout would be lower than normal. Luckily we would have a good amount of entries in the Pro Nitro Buggy and Electric Buggy classes. I would go on to TQ both rounds of Pro Nitro Buggy and Electric Buggy.
We would run double mains for electric and one single 20-minute main for nitro. I would go on to win by a large margin in both the Electric mains to secure the overall victory. In Nitro Buggy, I would lead wire to wire to take the win as well. Both my Tekno buggies were dialed as always.”
Overall results:
Buggy/Truggy Cup Round 5 (NL), report by John van der Sluijs:

“Saturday was a practice day for us on a very wet and slippery track, it was difficult to find good traction and tire selection was not easy at all. At the end of the day, we rebuilt the whole car because of the water and mud on the track. Sunday was the qualifying day, again on a very slippery track. Apart from a broken throttle servo everything went smoothly with no issues. Rajco would start second in the Semi A and finish at the same position which was good for us.
Preparing for the main final the track has become very unpredictable so we had to adjust our setup. We ran lower ride height, thinner shock oils, and some other minor adjustments. Starting from the 3rd position in the main everything was open for us. Rajco had a good start and 15 minutes in the race he got in the lead until the end of the race with no problems at all.”
Overall results:
1st: Rajco van der Sluijs – Tekno NB48.4
2nd: Wesley van Helmond
3rd: Sander van Genechten
East Coast Shootout (US), report by Wil Alameida:

“This was probably the race that tested my patience the most out of the past few years. This was easy to blame on Hurricane Harvey. The rain was a steady non-stop throughout the weekend. However, come main day it would all clear up, and we would race on a track that was beyond awesome! Yet again, great time with great people, at a great track! ?“
Overall results:
1st: Will Alameida – Tekno SCT410.3
2nd: James Henry
3d: Unknown
PA State Champs (US), report by Jeremy McGuigan:

“This was a three-day event with many of the regions fastest racers. This track had very good grip for being outdoor so tires played a big part. The first qualifier would go great as I set the early TQ and would hold it for the round. The second qualifier would be a bad tire choice and land me 2nd overall. The third qualifier tire choice was perfect and I would better the TQ by a lap! Main started and was never contested for the win!”
Overall results:
TQ/1st: Jeremy McGuigan – Tekno ET48.3
2nd: Matt Lance
3rd: Cecil Parsons
Malaysian National League Round 5 (MY), report by Katoh:

“The fifth and final round of the Malaysian National League was held this past weekend at the 3Stone Park in Kuala Lumpur. Danny was leading the overall nationals rankings so all we needed was a smooth race to seal the deal and be crowned the 2017 national champion. We were greeted by a wet track on Friday which complicated things a little bit but Saturday (Qualifying day) was good and Danny was able to TQ the race which would give us a good advantage.
Danny’s BLOK powered Tekno NB48.4 performed flawlessly in the 20-minute long Semi final as well as the one hour long A Main allowing him to win the race and get the overall championship win! We would like to thank Kent Sung, Ilias Arkoudaris and Danny Teh for believing in us and for the help us get our first National title. Without you our dreams it would not come true!”
Overall results:
TQ/1st: Danny K – Tekno NB48.4
2nd: Jade Lim – Tekno NB48.4
3rd: Ryan Stocek
Money Madness Race (US), report by Dave Hemenway:
“Money Madness is an annual cash prize payout race, going on its 9th year, that normally brings out all the locals and several area fast guys as well. The track at Evolution Hobbies is hard packed dry clay, dusty, and develops ruts by the end of the program, giving a nice old school off road feel to it that matches the older traditional 8ft wide lanes, making truggy super tight and competitive. I would end up TQ in 4wd SC with teammate Heath Larrabee TQ’ing eBuggy and eTruggy. I would go on to win with the whole electric trifecta: eBuggy- EB48.4, eTruggy- ET48.3 and 4wd SC- SCT410.3 after having some great battles with Heath and getting shuffled back in the pack on turn 1 in eBuggy. This would give Tekno RC the 1-2 and TQ in all 3 classes, and make driver wallets a little bit fatter.”
Overall results:
4×4 Short Course – Pro4
TQ/1st: Dave Hemenway – Tekno SCT410.3
2nd: Heath Larrabee – Tekno SCT410.3
3rd: James Lawrence
Eastern States Challenge (US), report by Joe Tramontana:

“Eastern States Challenge is an annual two-day race where 1/10th scale runs on Saturday and 1/8th scale on Sunday. It is a high bite track but due to how the track was prepared some bits of the tracks lacked grip which made for some interesting racing.
Qualifying was a little bit rough and I was just over driving the first two rounds but settled in during the 3rd round and got the TQ in Nitro Truggy and Nitro buggy. In the Nitro Truggy main, I checked out and lead it pole to pole. In Nitro Buggy, I forgot to put my pressure line back on scrambling to make my main and after the first pit my car was undrivable and I pulled off. In E-Buggy I had some rough qualifiers but settled in during the B main and bumped to the A main winning the B by over a lap. Finished 6th in the double A mains”
Overall results:
TQ/1st: Joe Tramontana – Tekno NT48.3
2nd: Sean O Keefe
3rd: Marshon
ROAR Invitational Race (US), report by Wil Alameida:

“Had a great time at G’s Raceway, and was able to walk away with a win in 4wd SCT! Had to make a tiny ride height adjustment and the truck was incredible! I was able to cruise around with flawless laps! The truck was soo easy to drive! Truly a great day!”
Overall results:
TQ/1st: Wil Alameida – Tekno SCT410.3
2nd: Jason Houseman
3rd: Ethan Houseman
JBRL Nitro Series Round 6 (US), report by Mason Eppley:

“Finally I would be able to attend my first round of the JBRL series. This would be the closest the series has ever gotten to me with it being four hours away. Friday practice would go good, making the necessary setup changes and in the end felt pretty confident going into Saturday.
In the first round of qualifying, I would get a clean run and go on to TQ the Electric Buggy class by almost 5 seconds. For the second round of qualifying, I went out to test a set of tires for my Nitro Buggy run later in the round. Even though I wasn’t happy with the tires I was able to still get a second for the round and secure the top spot going into the main. In the main I would lead wire to wire not making a mistake to take the win and going an extra lap then anyone else. My Tekno EB48.4 was amazing like always!”
Overall results:
TQ/1st: Mason Eppley – Tekno EB48.4
2nd: Kyle Turner – Tekno EB48.4
3rd: Anthony Westergaard