Will the donation be used for a raffle, will it go to the winner of a race or do you have something else planned? Please be as descriptive as possible.
If you have specific sponsorship levels, list the details or attach a file with the information below.
List the items you would like to purchase at discount.
Are you able to assist with travel, hotel or local transportation to help our pro driver(s) attend the event? If so please list what you are able to help with. Assistance could greatly affect which and how many of our pro driver(s) attend the event.
Please list other classes that will be raced at the event.
Provide the charity name and any additional info related to the charity, percentage of event proceeds to be donated, etc.
Please list names of confirmed factory drivers or teams.
What is the projected date to create the initial flyer as well as any updates? Also please list the date the trophies and/or backdrop will be made or any other info related to deadlines related to sponsoring the event.
Track Country
Track State
Please enter any additional event details.